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If you agree with what Rise stands for, and if you are ready to get organised to build a better world, sign up to explore how you can best help support and build Rise.

What we stand for.

Here you can get a brief overview of the eco-socialist politics that Rise is committed to.

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After the Election.

This analyses the UK election results, criticising Labour’s win and the rise of the right. It argues for building independent working class power to address systemic capitalist crises that parties fail to solve.

A New Dawn.

The Origins and Importance of May Day. On this May Day we send fraternal greetings and solidarity to the struggling working classes around the world and re-commit ourselves to the pursuit of working class liberation, socialism and world peace.

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The Time is now.

This provides a brief statement of why we have come together, as working class activists, to form Rise.

Crisis Without End.

This provides a longer statement of the analysis and politics behind the founding of Rise, and situates our current struggles in the context of the crisis-ridden capitalist system. A system which only the working class has the power to free us from.

Peace in Gaza.

We are now in the eight month of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. To date it has led to the deaths of more than 40,000 people, the vast majority of them women and children; the displacement of over a million people; the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure and the destruction of all hospitals and medical services in Gaza.

Local Elections 2024:

Worthy Losers and Unworthy Victors 

Voters in the local elections delivered a clear rejection of Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party. Reasons for their loss of  seats are in plentiful supply and are understood all too well by all those struggling to pay their rents and bills, or unable to access basic health services without an extensive wait.

War and Imperialism.

Rise is an organisation that seeks to help empower the working class, both domestically and internationally, to build a socialist society free from the capitalist system which perpetuates exploitation, inequality and war. In its place, a society based on international solidarity between the international working class needs to emerge

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Resisting Culture War Conservatism

It seems almost certain that the next General Election in Britain will deliver a Labour government, with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister. Based on everything we know about Starmer and his restored Labour Party, and their public statements on taxation, welfare, civil liberties and international relations, the Starmer-led government will deliver, in effect, a version of do nothing conservatism.

Strikes, Protests And Boycotts.

Trade unions are the strongest expression of working-class power in Britain today. From the advent of the capitalist mode of production and the exploitation it has inflicted on the people, workers have organised and formed trade unions out of solidarity and as a way to resist their exploitation and oppression.

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